Friday, December 13, 2019

The Government's Disguised Pocket of Corruption

First, let's get one thing straight: today while writing my eminent domain essay, I realized how corrupt the government is, and how much it is capable of hiding from us. Eminent domain is a perfect example of so many things - so many ways in which the government has wronged us: corruption, false promises, greed, and lies. Everyone knows the government is somewhat corrupt, but eminent domain takes it to a whole other level.

The fact that eminent domain provides the government with the ability and the power to just kick people to the curb is still so unfathomable to me! I mean that's as crazy as if someone claimed that once upon a time, pink elephants walked the earth! What annoys me the most though, is how the government just makes its own rules and hypocritically contradicts what our country stands for! How can these politicians claim that they work for a country founded on a democracy that stands for equality, when they - the leaders of our country - use things like eminent domain to prey upon racial minorities, the underprivileged, uneducated, and poor?! There is nothing I hate more than a good hypocrite!

I used to wonder how this could all happen, and then I realized: Jesus, these politicians and business people must be really good at using rhetoric to cover up their true intentions from the public - persuading people that they have their best interests at heart. They even convince each other that what they're doing is for good reason and with good intention. I mean I'd like to believe that at least some of them took office with some sanity and morals, and they all weren't originally greedy liars.

Just recently, I also had my eyes opened to how the government makes promises so outrageous, they might as well be saying that one day they can make pink elephants walk the earth! They make promises that they know are impossible - that they don't have the power to keep - just to appeal to the public, get elected, and/or make a quick buck. That's right, if I had absolutely any doubt in my mind before, I certainly don't anymore: everything is about money - especially the government! It doesn't matter the cost of livelihoods that will be taken away from innocent people, it only matters how many zeros come with that land's deal. How ironic that the moral of this story lacks morals! Jesus, that's immoral! 


  1. I agree with you that eminent domain is an example of the government's corruption. Eminent domain shows the government's willingness to work with big corporations. I also liked the way you used the words in the puzzle paragraph seamlessly. Great job!

  2. ahahaha dont' even get me staRTED on how hypocritical our government is! Here's a fun (not really fun) fact: congress politicians spend more time asking for donations to their campaign than doing their actual job! politicians are extremely reliant on money and in politics due to the way our gov. is set up (in europe and other countries the funding game is quite different). The government is often a game of the power of the purse: too often this ends up in lobbyists, big business, big pharma, etc.having way too much of a hand in our policymaking!I definitely don't think it's a surprise that eminent domain, like so many other policies, falls prey to the hypocritical nature of politics. Very well said!

  3. Wow, this is so true. The government uses disguises greed and corruption with eminent domain. The political cartoons are quite funny and add a nice ring to your story. Good job


Pockets Worn & Pockets Torn

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